Sunday 4 December 2011

Key West - Jack Flats

They allow smoking in restaurants in the Keys (and dogs as well, which I don't get, will horses be next?). It is not a big problem for us nonsmokers because most places are mostly outdoors and only macho cigar smokers showing off for their girlfriends blowing out foul smelling clouds of smoke cause any real irritation.

(They will be not so cool later on barfing in an ally from that strong Cuban tobacco.)

It is really nice to see no smoking signs in an indoor bar and grill. The place is called Jack Flats and it is always full of happy folks.

Jack Flats is another place that the locals think is their own secret, but anymore there are as many tourist as Conchs in the place at lunchtime. I learned about it from Conchscooter's Key West Diary blog. He praises the lunch sandwiches there. I ordered the bacon and shrimp club.

Nancy wanted something that didn't swim for a living. She wanted some cow. She ordered hamburger sliders.

We were supposed to share, but she only allowed me one. They were quite good, but you can't beat bacon and shrimp. It wasn't a super cheap lunch. It came to $30 with the tip. Again the locals were right. That old web surfing came through once more.

Bon  Ton Roulett  Y'All    
Gene and Nancy

“Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call,
Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall.” ---- JB

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