Thursday 3 March 2011



Dinner tonight with Mom & the boys.  I was running late, but thankfully had looked at the menu before leaving work.  How much do you guys love online menus??  I *heart* them!  : )  So, I knew that I wanted to try their new bacon chicken ranch quesadilla, and i was running late.  I called Mom & just had her order for me.  : ) 

Doesn't it look delicious?  Well, it WAS!  It's stuffed w/, well, chicken, bacon and lots of cheese!  There's a different kinda ranch on the side, along with rice & beans.  Good beans, even!  Mom actually got the same thing, and we both decided this was definitely worthy of a repeat ordering.  : )  

The boys had some yummy food of their own - Leyton had a corn dog & Anthony chose the Chipotle Honey BBQ crispy chicken.  

They both pretty much cleaned their plates (or, basket in Leyton's case!), so it must've been good.  Actually, I had a bite of Anthony's chicken, and it was more sweet than spicy, and VERY good!  

Until next time - (GIVEAWAY!) - what new thing have you tried recently?  


Jess said...

I work at a Chili's!

CarrieMarie said...

Woot! Chili's for free on your shift meal? What's your favorite??